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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Balancing Marriage Life

In a normal married life I have seen many time times they argue
almost everyday. Sometimes that all little argument goes in the
court for divorce. Sometimes they do not tell anyone but the
fight. Truth is, all couples argue and anyone who says they don’t
is probably being economical with the truth. It adds that extra bit
of spice to a relatinship. After all, arguments are not always about
winning or losing, but knowing your partner a little better.
After seen all these things I have decieded to write something
by which we can avoid sometimes our arguments.

What To Do
1) Clear the problem then and there instead of saving it for
a rainy day. Don’t let it fester.
2) Don’t bring baggage to an argument. Focus on the problem
at hand rather than bringing in a third party.
3) Accept your mistake and responsibility. Your partner isn’t
going to crucify you.
4) Reach a constructive conclusion which leads to a mutual
change that both parties are happy with.
5) Don’t hit below the belt.

What To Avoid
1) Don’t take off in the middle of an argument, it only serves
to aggravate the situation.
2) Name calling, abusive language, and getting physical which
includes wreakinghavoc in the house are a complete no number.
3) Don’t let the argument effect your normal activities, like eating
dinner together.
4) Stick to the present, don’t squable over issues that book place
four days or even a year ago.
5) Don’t draw your own conclusion at the end of an argument.
Arrive at a joint consensus.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Check Your Romance Quotient

1. Your six-month anniversary with your partner is coming up in one week. As a gift,you will:
a) Do nothing. You’re not into the whole gift thing.
b) Run out that day to get a card – you always leave things like that to the last moment.
c) Shop around for the next few days to find a gift you know your partner will love.
d) Relax. You’ve already bought a gift and planned a special celebration for the occasion.
2. Your pet name for your partner is:
a) Any cute name that you can imagine.
b) Honey.
c) His/her given name.
d) Baby.
3. It’s Friday night, and you’ve got a date with your partner. What are your ideal plans?:
a) Watching a romantic video while cudding by the light of the scented candles.
b) Getting together with your partner and bunch of good friends.
c) Gettingdressed up for a night that will include good wine, a fine meal, dancing and a moonlit stroll.
d) Staying in with a warm bath drawn for two, followed by a ensual full-body massage, topped with champagne and strawberries.
4. Massage is best:
a) When my partner does it for me every day after work.
b) When my partner and I do it for each other whenever we are stressed.
c) When done with love, tenderness and a little massage oil.
d) When done with massage oil by candlelight with soft music playing in the background.
5. Your partner wants to cuddle you :
a) Oblige and cuddle your honey.
b) Try to avoid it whenevr possible- you’re not a cuddly type of person.
c) Snuggle right up. You’dbe in heaven if you could just cuddle all day.
d) Cuddle even though you don’t enjoy it; it’s one of the surest ways to get sex .
6. You and your partner have had a bad fight. You know you were clearly in the wrong , and you admit it. Your partner was very hurt and upset. How would you apologize?:
a) With a simple , “ I know I was wrong and I’m very sorry can we get over this?”
b) By singing, “I’m sorry” on your partner’s answering machine every few hours and sending a plant to express your regret.

Tips For Travellers To Foriegn Land

Travel is not just fun and discovery any longer. September 11 and the events following it have put an end to the carefree days of flying when you checked in your luggage, took a comfy seat in the plane, and switched off for the rest of the trip. Here are some new rules that will govern the lives of those who still believe that travel is necessery for their continuing wellbeing from the moment they get out their bags and start planning their gateway.
RULE # 1
Pack as little as you can – carry light luggage, the lighter the better. Conversely, don’t pack so light that suspicions are aroused that you are carrying only two sticks of explosive and nothing else.
RULE # 2
Different airlines treat their passengers differently – In fact, the same airline will treat you differently in different cities. So an American airline can ask you to scan your bags in India. Or can just ask politely if you have packed your bags yourself and if they have been with you all the time, if you are checking in at Paris or Frankfurt. Or can do none of this if you are in UK, and can open and examine your checked-in luggage in your absense, in the US.
RULE # 3
Be warry of what you put into your hand luggage – Sometimes, carrying everything you have as hand luggage is wise, so there are no slip-ups in the way your belongings are treated away from your watchful gaze. The fact remains that you will have to unpack and repack every time you go through the scanner, and even if you don’t mind your belongings being exposed to all and sundry, it can be a bit painful. Remember too, that anything that looks vaguely like weapon, or as if it can be used as one, will get you very suspicious looks and can get confiscated.
RULE # 4
Carry a shoulder bag for your passport and other essentials - the passport is literally that, and is something that will be examined when you go through immigration, customes, take a boarding pass for a connecting flight, and each time you enter a plane.
RULE # 5
Never, ever leave your bags alone for even a minute – keep them under your watchful gaze. In the good old times, one worried about thieves operating at airports, today it is the vigilence team that you need to worry about. They spirit away bags that look lonely, and before you know it, the area is cordoned off, and chances are your bag will be explodedon the spot without much ado.
RULE # 6
Don’t talk to strangers in airpots – who seem too friendly or interested in you. Do not trust them with the job of guarding your luggage, or agree to carry anything for them. The innocent will get branded here, with the guilty, but remember that many countries have a death penalty for drug trafficking, even if you are an unsuspecting carrier.
RULE # 7
Dress right – avoid heavy shoes; they are looked upon with suspiion in many airport security checks and you will have to take them off and pad barefoot across to the other end of the scanner, while your shoes take a ride under the X-rays. So unless you are going to alaska or somewhere where you might get instant frostbite,pack those beautiful boots and walking shoes away for when you hit the sidewalk, and go with open-toed sandals or good ole ‘kolhapuris’ instead.
Happy flying!