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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Balancing Marriage Life

In a normal married life I have seen many time times they argue
almost everyday. Sometimes that all little argument goes in the
court for divorce. Sometimes they do not tell anyone but the
fight. Truth is, all couples argue and anyone who says they don’t
is probably being economical with the truth. It adds that extra bit
of spice to a relatinship. After all, arguments are not always about
winning or losing, but knowing your partner a little better.
After seen all these things I have decieded to write something
by which we can avoid sometimes our arguments.

What To Do
1) Clear the problem then and there instead of saving it for
a rainy day. Don’t let it fester.
2) Don’t bring baggage to an argument. Focus on the problem
at hand rather than bringing in a third party.
3) Accept your mistake and responsibility. Your partner isn’t
going to crucify you.
4) Reach a constructive conclusion which leads to a mutual
change that both parties are happy with.
5) Don’t hit below the belt.

What To Avoid
1) Don’t take off in the middle of an argument, it only serves
to aggravate the situation.
2) Name calling, abusive language, and getting physical which
includes wreakinghavoc in the house are a complete no number.
3) Don’t let the argument effect your normal activities, like eating
dinner together.
4) Stick to the present, don’t squable over issues that book place
four days or even a year ago.
5) Don’t draw your own conclusion at the end of an argument.
Arrive at a joint consensus.

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