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Friday, February 22, 2008

Check Your Romance Quotient

1. Your six-month anniversary with your partner is coming up in one week. As a gift,you will:
a) Do nothing. You’re not into the whole gift thing.
b) Run out that day to get a card – you always leave things like that to the last moment.
c) Shop around for the next few days to find a gift you know your partner will love.
d) Relax. You’ve already bought a gift and planned a special celebration for the occasion.
2. Your pet name for your partner is:
a) Any cute name that you can imagine.
b) Honey.
c) His/her given name.
d) Baby.
3. It’s Friday night, and you’ve got a date with your partner. What are your ideal plans?:
a) Watching a romantic video while cudding by the light of the scented candles.
b) Getting together with your partner and bunch of good friends.
c) Gettingdressed up for a night that will include good wine, a fine meal, dancing and a moonlit stroll.
d) Staying in with a warm bath drawn for two, followed by a ensual full-body massage, topped with champagne and strawberries.
4. Massage is best:
a) When my partner does it for me every day after work.
b) When my partner and I do it for each other whenever we are stressed.
c) When done with love, tenderness and a little massage oil.
d) When done with massage oil by candlelight with soft music playing in the background.
5. Your partner wants to cuddle you :
a) Oblige and cuddle your honey.
b) Try to avoid it whenevr possible- you’re not a cuddly type of person.
c) Snuggle right up. You’dbe in heaven if you could just cuddle all day.
d) Cuddle even though you don’t enjoy it; it’s one of the surest ways to get sex .
6. You and your partner have had a bad fight. You know you were clearly in the wrong , and you admit it. Your partner was very hurt and upset. How would you apologize?:
a) With a simple , “ I know I was wrong and I’m very sorry can we get over this?”
b) By singing, “I’m sorry” on your partner’s answering machine every few hours and sending a plant to express your regret.

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